Miss Night And Day: Episodes 3 & 4 Review

In episodes 3 and 4 of Miss Night and Day, Mi-jin, who transforms into Lim-sun during the day, starts working as Ji-ung’s office aide. Ji-ung, Byung-duk, and Lim-sun embark on an undercover mission.

In this weekend’s episodes, Ga-young discovers Mi-jin’s secret, and Ko-won witnesses her transformation. By the end of episode 4, we see that Ji-ung might also learn about Mi-jin’s transformation.

To check out our review on episodes 1 & 2 of Miss Night And Day, click Here. Our article “Miss Night And Day: Episodes 3 & 4 Review” contains major spoilers.

Highlights Of Episode 3

  • Just as the killer is about to attack Mi-jin, Ji-ung appears and steps in.
  • When the murderer drives away, Mi-jin mentions an unusual odor coming from his vehicle to Ji-ung.
  • After dragging a body into a dim room, the killer writes Mi-jin’s name in blood on a mirror.
  • Lim-sun receives an award for her bravery from the prosecutor’s office.
  • Ko-won gives Lim-sun extravagant gifts, which she returns.
  • Mi-jin demonstrates her transformation into Lim-sun to Ga-young, who agrees to help her find the cat.
  • Ko-won agrees to buy Lim-sun coffee every day in exchange for her returning his gifts.
  • Ji-ung notices and pursues a suspicious, grey car connected to the case he’s working on.
  • The authorities promote Lim-sun to the position of office aide because of her bravery.
  • Seeing Lim-sun as his new office aide shocks and displeases Ji-ung.

Highlights Of Episode 4

  • Ji-ung and Byung-duk attempt to make Im-sun leave by assigning her challenging tasks. However, Im-sun surprises them with her typing, Excel, and rock climbing abilities.
  • Im-sun transforms into Mi-jin while riding her bicycle. As a consequence, Ko-won, who is following her is left confused.
  • Da-young continues to help Mi-jin by looking for the cat in shelters and placing posters outdoors.
  • Ji-ung and Byung-duk are working on the acid attack case. After investigation, they discover traces of the drug Fentanyl present in the accused’s system.
  • We see Ji-ung conclude that the killer is looking for something or someone. This suggests that there is a motive for the crime.
  • Ji-ung requests that Mi-jin meet with him, after which he secretly installs a GPS tracker on her cellphone and provides her with self-defense equipment.
  • After discovering that the city’s elite clubs source the drug Fentanyl, Ji-ung, Byung-duk, and Im-sun plan an undercover mission.
  • After transforming into Mi-jin, Im-sun manages to enter the club.
  • Once inside the club, Mi-jin gains access to the VIP room, allowing her to gather evidence. However, a guest notices her camera and attacks her.
  • Since Im-sun hasn’t updated him in over ten minutes, Ji-ung rushes inside the club to help her.

Episodes 3 & 4 Review

Miss Night And Day Episode 3 Review


The main plot of the kdrama, which involves the supernatural element, is creative and well-developed. Furthermore, the mystery of the cat, as well as how the show builds suspense, are worth appreciating.

The show also does an excellent job with its romantic narrative. The kdrama is slowly and brilliantly laying the groundwork for Mi-jin and Ji-ung’s potential romance. However, Mi-jin’s transformation into Im-sun during the day and her growing closeness to Ko-won create obstacles to this relationship.

The kdrama also excels at humor. We see Mi-jin transform into Im-sun, and the humor in her mannerisms and unusual speed for her age is truly amazing. The humor is genuinely amusing when Ji-ung and Byung-duk try to get her to leave the job, but she surprises them by completing the difficult tasks with unusual speed. The show’s humor isn’t forced, which is why it works so well.


While the kdrama has many positive aspects, it also has some flaws. For starters, Miss Night and Day blends too many genres, including supernatural, romance, comedy, and crime. As I had suspected, the kdrama did not do justice to some of the genres. For instance, the crime plotline does not appear to have been well thought out, at least so far. It was fascinating when it was first introduced in Episode 2. However, the crime storyline in episodes 3 and 4 appears to be forced.

The show’s romantic plotline is also moving slowly. While it stimulates curiosity, it is painfully slow. We can’t help but conclude that this is because the show has too many elements on its plate, and if it only had a few, this storyline would’ve been handled well.

Miss Night And Day Episode 4 Review

Overall, Miss Night and Day excels in its supernatural and comedic elements. However, the show struggles to juggle its multiple genres. This is especially true of the crime storyline that the show has introduced. Despite these flaws, the fresh storyline and humor of the show make it worth watching.

What are your thoughts on episodes 3 & 4 of Miss Night and Day. Are you enjoying the kdrama as much as we are? Do you think Ji-ung will learn about Mi-jin’s transformation? What do you think of our article “Miss Night And Day: Episodes 3 & 4 Review? Let us know in the comments below.


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